Being Cheated

If you have ever been cheated, then you know how much the pain hurts. But, you need to face the pain and decide whether to say goodbye and leave everything behind, or forgive and start over again.

The Pain:

Being cheated is probably one of the worst feelings in the world. You do not only get cheated but you are also betrayed. What is worst is that the person who does that to you is the person you care so much about.

How many times have we heard about a cheating spouse? When a spouse cheats, he does not only cheat his wife, but he also disrespects the life they share and the dreams they built. On top of that, he shows that he is not concerned about the emotions of the person who he promised to love, cherish and care for, for the rest of his life.

Cheating does not end with the feeling of betrayal because the wound can go deeper. Such act can affect the person in many ways. This would make it difficult for the person to trust another being again. This can also lead him to question his own identity. What is wrong with him and why would someone put him through that.

It will also destroy relationships. Most of the time, the act is too painful, that even if the other person still loves the cheating girlfriend or boyfriend, he has to let it go because the mere thought of it is too painful to bear.

Dealing with the betrayal:

Confrontation. We hate it but sometimes it is the only option we have. When the person you love betrays your trust, you have all the right to ask and demand for answers. You have to understand why he did it to you. Did he fall out of love? Is he in love with the other party? What does he want from you, from your relationship? However, don't forget that you call the shots here.

He may not tell you the truth, he can make up stories, but those answers will definitely help you make the decision. Should you leave and say never again, or will you forgive and stay? Whatever you decide, be ready for the consequences.

The consequences:

If you choose to forgive and decide to start over again, make sure that you are ready to let go of the past and really give the relationship a chance. It will not do you any good if you keep on bringing up the same issue every time you fight. You should also be ready to start trusting him again. If you cannot trust him, then you will never have a peace of mind. You will always fear that the nightmare will happen again. If he did it once, he can do it again, right? Right, but you decided to forgive him and give it another try.

You can also decide to walk away. But if you decide to do so, make sure that you are really letting go. Most of the time, people leave because they are mad only to find out that they never want the relationship to end. Bear in mind that ending a relationship is painful too, which is why you have to think about your decisions carefully.

Being cheated hurts. You are entitled to the pain. But don't forget, that you have to deal with the pain after a while and move on.


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