We Are All Fishes in the Ocean

She’s touring Europe and you go gosh about how lucky she is. She has the most romantic wedding proposal ever and it’s caught on cam; such a lucky girl. He gets to fly first class and able to date just about any woman he desires. They go on to the most extravagant family vacations, they have the Instagram posts to prove it, they’re so lucky.

And then there is us, with our platonic daily routines that just bore us to death. How often have we wished for a different life? Perhaps we will be happier if we were famous. Maybe if we were as talented and as beautiful as the celebrities on the cover of the magazines, we will be happier, we will be contented; we will be able to enjoy our lives more. And if fame may not be your thing; perhaps money would do the trick. If we have more in our bank accounts, we can be happier. We will be able to treat people better.

How often have we compared our lives with others and feel sorry for ourselves? How come they have more while we only have what we have? We start to raise these and similar questions when we compare our lives with others and often, we feel like the paths we took are less fulfilling than theirs.

But the truth is, we do not know. We do not know because we have no idea what they are going through, we do not have any clue about the struggles they went through just to be where they are right now. We have no idea what they have to give up, what they traded and what they missed just to be where they are.

It is often too easy to envy someone once they are already on top, but very few are interested to know the struggles that these people went through. It is easy for us to say that their lives are easy, everything seemed to fall into place for them, but in reality, we do not know their story. What we have is just a glance of their life, the side that they want to show.

We start becoming unhappy when compare our lives with others because we see that theirs are always better. We only see what they have and we often dwell on what we lack. We ignore the blessings we receive, we forget to be grateful with the life that we have and we neglect to be thankful with the problems that did not come our way.

The people we envy do not always have the best of the world. Fame does not guarantee happiness and contentment. Even the most famous celebrities have issues within themselves. At times, they do not even know who their real friends are. Money is not the answer either. Although we all need it and it would be nice to have some extra, too much wealth will not give us the fulfillment we all desire.

If we want to be truly happy, we need to enjoy our own journeys, deal with our struggles and achieve our goals one by one. There is no need to compare our lives with others. After all, all of us are just fishes, finding our way in this big ocean called life.


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