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We’ve held hands for so long

We went through it all

You got my back when things go wrong

You have my shoulders to cry on

And when the rain came pouring

You were there to keep me going

I’ve called you on your don’ts

And you called me on my won’ts

We turn to each other for that 

Pat on the back

We went through it all together

But we both know nothing lasts forever

You have your plans

And I’ve got my own

This time I don’t have your back

And my back is on my own

Because things are different  now

And roads are not the same

You follow a road that’s not mine to trek

And my path is nowhere near your trail

And so this is it

Take a bow and peck the cheek

We’ve held hands for so long

But now we need to learn to hold our own

And so this is how it is 

We’ve had each other’s back for so long

And now we are turning away

Because we need to be who we are meant to be

We’ll remember when our lights were blinding

And the time of our lives we used to be sharing

The pats on the back will take a new form

I know we won’t talk much over the phone

We are at opposite ends now

Our lives have to start anew

Because the plot twisted 

And our chapter has ended


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