How To Make Long Distance Relationship Work

Love and relationship are two of the things that we treasure most in our personal life. However, how do we deal with distance? What if the person we love is miles away from us? Can we still make it work?

I have heard of couples going their separate ways because of distance. I did not quite understand why. I am in similar situation for almost a year now and I’m not having any problems about it. Then I began to ponder, what made our relationship work in spite of the distance?

I realized that there are several factors that can affect long distance relationship. They are as follow:

1. Your decision to make it work

It all starts with your decision to make it work. If you want the relationship to last, the two of you should decide to make it happen. It is not easy, but as long as you commit to the relationship, you will make it happen. Moreover, if you like what you do, you would not feel like you are exerting effort to make it work.

2. Communication

This is vital in any form of relationship. Our generation has been blessed with reliable technology, which makes it easier to communicate with ease. Take advantage of the devices we have. Email each other, send SMS or leave a voice mail. There are so many ways to communicate today. So do not forget to ask your love one how his day went. If you sense that, there is something wrong, talk about it. A good communication line is a very big part of making the relationship work.

3. Honesty

Be honest at all times. If you are going to go out with friends, let the other person know about it. Honesty will help you build a good foundation for your relationship. If something is bothering you, be honest about it and talk it over.

4. Trust

You cannot make a long distance relationship work without trust. Make sure that you trust your partner because if you don’t, you will only hurt yourself. Being paranoid about everything is unhealthy, so do yourself a favor and trust your partner.

5. Letting the person know how much you care for him or her

This is very important. Even if you are not physically there, make sure that he or she feels your love and care. A simple text message goes a log way. You can also call him or her after a tiresome day. Send her flowers from time to time. These little things will help remind you how much you love each other.
Making a long distance relationship work is difficult. However, it is not impossible. You just need to make a commitment to make it work.

Your relationship will not work unless you decide and commit to make it work. It is not an easy undertaking, but success is possible.


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