What Type of Student Are You?

Being a teacher exposes you to different types of people, specifically students. It is a great feeling when you know that you contribute so much to the formation of who they are and who they will be. With two semesters under my belt,I can now identify a few types of students who will likely walk inside my classroom. Be warned, you cannot stereotype them based on how they looked.I have tried, but failed every time.

The Thinker:

There is always a thinker in my class. Someone who stays behaved and quiet all throughout the discussion. You will never know that he is a thinker, unless you give an essay type quiz because the thinker does not always talk. He airs his insights through his pen and paper. As a student, there was a time when I was a thinker. I don't like to recite, even if I know that my answer is right. But thinkers just need time to come out of their shell. Once they break out of that bubble of shyness, they won't be too afraid to raise their hands.

The Pick Me Type:

These types of students are hard to miss. In fact, these students are my favorite during class discussions. Unlike the thinkers, they love to raise their hands and speak out their mind. I ask the class, they answer. Their answers are not always right. But that is what I love about them They are not afraid to take risks. They try to answer and accept if they are wrong, at least for my class. I was once a student too, and some of my 'pick me' classmates do not always agree with the teacher when she points their mistakes. Some 'pick me's' are just too sure of themselves and are to stubborn to be told. Saying that they are wrong would almost always spark a debate.

The Heartthrob:

They are among the reasons why the ladies and the lady-likes want to go to school. They are eye candies and keep everyone inspired. But I don't think I have a Brad Pitt in my class. May be my taste is off the chart and the sets of standards have changed. But for most of my students, I believe they have their own eye candy, keeping them inspired, while bored during the discussion.

The Muse:

The female counterpart of the heartthrob. These ladies always get the envious smile of their classmates. I like her hair, her skin, her face.. oh too perfect. Got a lot of pretty ladies in my class. Most are effortlessly beautiful. The teacher notices them, even without looking at the class records. This is because they stand out, literally. I'm not one of them when I was a student of course. I believe this category has a height requirement.. oh well.. :)

The Pretty and Smart:

I wish I belonged in this class. But back then, I don't even know how to apply lipstick or pick the right shade of powder. These students may not have the beauty queen features of the muse, but they are equally attractive, and smart too. Admit it guys, not all beautiful women have the brains. So go figure... I have a lot of pretty and smart students in my class. They look like they could be the future Karen Davila, Bianca Gonzales, Nikki Gil or Korina Sanchez, no geniuses but very smart.

The Smart Ladies:

I think this was my group when I was a student.. Hahaha... smart minus pretty, I was always described as cute though, hmmm, very charming. Admittedly, there are most of us who were not blessed with physical beauty, but those of us who lack in looks, made it up with brains.. I'm not saying that the students who belong here are ugly. I'm not ugly, we're just a level short of the above category. We are no geniuses too. Just enough level of intellect to make our parents proud. (defensive much)...

The Handsome and Intellectual:

The male counterpart of the pretty and smart. This is my ideal guy way back. These guys do no have to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror, rather, they spend their time reading books. They are no geeks as well. They are just gifted with the brains and the looks. Need I say more?

The Intellectual Guy:

This category are for guys who are blessed with the brains but fall short of the looks. They are admired because they are intelligent, not because they can be a male model of an astringent. They usually head the student council and school clubs. They are the teachers' right hand, together with the smart ladies. And they are the future billionaires too.

The Unpredictable:

These students prove that each individual is unique. I can't categorize them because they are distinct. Sometime they talk without any sense at all, and sometimes they do. Sometime they drive you crazy, sometimes they are just sitting there, quiet. They could belong to any of the above category some times, but most of the time, they are their own category.

So what type of student are you?


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