Why You Need Rest

When your body is tired, your mind cannot function well. This, I have proven after a few very tiring days. Being awake for 19 hours or catching only three hours sleep is not a great feeling. I wonder how others manage with even longer hours awake. Although those days where not wasted, it does not matter. The body can only take so much. And with that experience, I can say, that lack of sleep or rest can change your personality.

I have to go to school after a tiring couple of days because my students await me. Before going to school, I already notice how irritable I am. I even warned my brother to back off. It is a good thing that my students were scheduled to have their quiz. This means that I don't have to do a lot of talking. There was a conscious effort for me not to talk, because I find the slightest noise annoying. And so the night ended without major casualty.

Rest, according to wikipedia.com, may refer to human relaxation or sleep. But for me, it is is something you owe to yourself. After a physically, mentally or emotionally demanding task, it is essential, that you lay back and relax.

Why is it a necessity?

This revitalizes your body.

Unless you are Edward Cullen, you will need sleep to efficiently and effectively do your physically demanding job. Even athletes who trained months before the competition get tired. although you can manage to face your computer and type all day, the quality of your output would not be the same. Your feet will get tired after going up and down the stairs, or running errands a few times. Your body can only do so much dancing for a day.

The body needs to rest if you want it to perform better. Well rested hands can easily coordinate with your mind and can move with better precision. Feet can go more miles after they have relaxed. And the body can face more challenges once it has regained the energy it needs.

Rest enables you to think better:

Have you ever noticed how you can never think of new ideas after a long meeting? Or how you lack patience to solve simple problems after a long day? Although your brain can still function, you will find it difficult to concentrate if you have not rested. This is probably because you do not have the energy to think or the will to exert efforts. Thinking can drain your energy, especially after using your wits continuously during the day.

When this happens, take a break, close you eyes and go back to work once you feel that you are ready to give your full attention to the work ahead.

Even your heart needs to rest:

Emotions can drain your energy. Especially when you deal with something very stressful. Most of the time, dealing with feelings is more difficult than plain physical exhaustion because it is difficult to sleep when you are dealing with your heart. Even when you wake up, such feeling may still remain. It will need time to recover, especially if you are dealing with pain, loss or betrayal. There are even instances when you need help from people who care about you.

There is no question. No matter how strong or healthy you are, if you are human, you need rest.


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