Ever After

I love fairy tales. I’m in awe with how perfect a woman can be while living an imperfect life brought by an evil’s envy. Yes, the evil hates beautiful things, evil destroys them.

But don’t fret; someone will always come to save the day, the prince. He will come for you, with his mighty sword, deep voice and a perfectly brushed up hair. He will come for you, riding his horse, offering you his hand. He always comes for you… you, a lovely damsel. Soon, you, a young beautiful lady will be freed from your miserable life, and of course, you and your handsome prince will live happily ever after.

Yes, I love fairy tales. I grew up watching them. I love fairy tales, I just don’t believe in them. Not anymore. As much as I love them, I think they are misleading. Not all women need saving, not everyone who needs them get saved. Life is not a fairy tale. I’m not saying that there is no love in life. Of course there is. It’s just that, life is not always about a woman’s struggles and a prince coming to her rescue.

Life is just that, a life. There is no one way of living it. Each life story is a unique story. And a woman’s story is worth celebrating, worth treasuring, whether she has a prince or not. Each story is beautiful, with its unpredictable twist and turns and a series of boring episodes. Each story is a mystery, with a dash of excitement accompanied by stress, tension, pressure and finally a moment of calmness. Life, is life, there is no one way of living it.

Not all memorable experience starts with looking at each other’s eyes, holding hands, him lifting your chin, and slowly, finally, you’re drawn to each other, sharing a true love’s kiss. Not all heart-melting moments involve a man, down on his knee, offering you a ring, asking you to marry him. Not all cherished moments involve an elegant gown, and a walk down the aisle.

No. Some of these moments involve your mom, looking at you with so much love even after letting her down so many times. These are the moments you had good conversations with your dad. Often, these moments involve a child, looking at you with so much admiration and with eyes gleaming, all because you built him a sand castle. Sometimes, these are quiet moments in the morning, while you watch the sunrise, enjoying a cup of coffee. Sometimes, these are moments you have with your friends as you explore new destinations, and realizing how beautiful life is. 

Sometimes, these moments do not involve a prince; although… that would be a welcome addition… 


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