What Now?

What now?

Life is often about chasing because we love the things we cannot have – or so we thought. The longing keeps us looking forward to finally reaching what we desire. By a stroke of luck, what we want, we find within arm’s reach, and for a moment we are exhilarated. Finally, we are face to face with what we have always wanted. But after the excitement wanes, and the adrenaline rush fades away, we are back to staring at our monotonous life, asking, what now?

When we finally have what we want, we often have extreme expectations. We long to have that glorious moment and think to ourselves. Finally, I’m here. But we only get to enjoy that moment for an acute moment time. Because after a few minutes, all the applause will fade, the limelight - turned off, and everything goes back to the way it was. For some, things become way better, while for others, it becomes far worse. But it doesn’t matter really, does it? We have reached the summit. And that is what truly matters until the reality of life hits you.

What now? Are we going to sit back and let the world unfold before our eyes because we have checked off our goal, and we have nothing left to do? What now? And so the journey begins again. We look for that something again, something that will help us look forward to waking up in the morning, something exciting, something to chase. Just like that, we are back in the loop. We will always be in that loop unless we learn to appreciate what we have, and genuinely enjoy sitting back and marvel at the simple routines of life, it isn’t so bad, is it?


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