Happiness is a Decision

The first key to happiness presented by Dominique Bertolucci is to take charge, the principle of choice.  She claims that you need to consciously make the decision to be happy. And I agree. Often, it is tempting to be swallowed by the negative emotions we feel, we often forget that we can take charge and take responsibility for our happiness. 

Although at times, it is difficult. It is quite a challenge to choose to be happy when things are not going your way. I also think that we need to acknowledge and deal with the negative emotions such as sadness, frustrations, and disappointments. But acknowledging these emotions does not mean that we should nurture them. We need to deal with them because these emotions are part of our lives and part of who we are. However, we should not let it take over our lives. We should not let these feelings get the best of us. At some point, we need to decide to stop moping, move on and focus on what will make us feel good. 

The code to happiness provides some advice to reach the state of happiness, and it all starts with making the decision: choose to be happy. And this is something that does not happen by switching certain emotions on and off. It is more of a commitment to a lifestyle that consciously works on becoming a better version of yourself. It is deciding what the best you are like and continuously aspiring to become that person. It may take a while to become the best version of you, but everyday will bring you closer to it. 

Again, happiness is a choice, a choice to work on the best version of yourself, one that you need to choose to work on everyday. 



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