The Right Time

 The Right Time

I would have wanted to meet you sooner

And be there to ease your fear

Hold your hands when things were not easy

Make you smile while you were lonely

But we were at different moments in time

You were pursuing your dreams, I was figuring out mine

Mine were not the hands you would have wanted to hold

They were weak, unsure, afraid, and cold

I wouldn’t be someone who can give you support

I was young, immature, stubborn, and lost

I wouldn’t be able to make your lonely heart smile

I was down, bitter, insecure, and fragile.

It would have been nice to walk the journey with you

Sorry I couldn’t, I was facing my battles too

I wanted to have saved you from drowning

But I couldn’t because I was fighting the waves that kept on coming

What would have become of us if we had each other?

Would we have survived when both of us needed saving?

I’m glad you had people to hold when you needed them

Because I wouldn’t know how I’d survive without the people in my team

You have become the person you once dream of becoming

I’m not so bad, you should see me teaching

I found you at a time when I was ready to look

A time when I looked and see beyond the cover of the book

I found you at a time when your light is hard to ignore

I can only imagine you noticing me at all

It took years for me to see you…

What’re a few more years for you to see me too?


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