Why You Need Rest
When your body is tired, your mind cannot function well. This, I have proven after a few very tiring days. Being awake for 19 hours or catching only three hours sleep is not a great feeling. I wonder how others manage with even longer hours awake. Although those days where not wasted, it does not matter. The body can only take so much. And with that experience, I can say, that lack of sleep or rest can change your personality. I have to go to school after a tiring couple of days because my students await me. Before going to school, I already notice how irritable I am. I even warned my brother to back off. It is a good thing that my students were scheduled to have their quiz. This means that I don't have to do a lot of talking. There was a conscious effort for me not to talk, because I find the slightest noise annoying. And so the night ended without major casualty. Rest, according to wikipedia.com, may refer to human relaxation or sleep. But for me, it is is something you owe t...